
– by Kris Bryant

I was really looking forward to reading Kris Bryant‘s latest novel and I was elated when I finally got me hands on it!

Reading “Breatkthrough” immediately reminded me of my favourite Bryant book, “Forget Me Not.” Both set in remote places with an exotic feel. Whereas Ireland (one of my favourite places!) gave me a sense of peace & tranquility in the beautiful, serene landscapes, foothills, glorious rain showers, wet weather, as written so eloquently by Bryant; Alaska, with its majestically vast lands, lilywhite snow, exotic wildlife, rustic woods as explicitly described in this book, gave me a curiously calming feel in the midst of isolation, away from the usual hustle and bustle of the city. Sublime!

One of me favourite scenes was this incredibly hilarious “incident” in the beginning where poor city girl, Kennedy, already unhappy she was relegated to reporting about fishing in an isolated land far away from civilisation she was used to, where she was basically out of her elements, was unwittingly “attacked” whilst trapped in the middle of nowhere! Then, entered her “knight in shining armour,” so to speak – Brynn. Tall, butchy and so not her type….or so she thought! 😜

Somehow, Kennedy and Brynn found themselves thrusted into each other when Kennedy seemed to always land herself in trouble, be it indoors or outdoors, with Brynn always coming to her rescue! Their attraction to each other was almost instant although neither would take the first step in the early stages of their nervous friendship. It was adorable to read just how Brynn started feeling more and more protective of Kennedy’s well-being whereas Kennedy wanted to feel braver, less dependent on Brynn’s chilvary, and focus on her job on hand. But their growing feelings and affection for each other couldn’t be ignored anymore. To add to the adorableness factor between these two lovelies was the ultimate cutey, Wally 😍, that unwittingly became their bridge to getting closer and more intimate with each other! Awwww…..❤️ And just wait until you read about Wally! Guaranteed you’ll fall in love with him! 😍

Also included in this light-hearted romance was a bit of thrills involving some unsavoury individuals. That was a fun ride! 😉

Not unlike “Forget Me Not,” both MCs were from places far away from each other. So what would become of them if they were to have a lasting relationship? Well, read it to find out! 😁

All in all, “Breakthrough” is a sweet, adventure-filled, adorable romance suffused with richly described glorious landscapes and surroundings. I can tell you that Bryant’s free rein with her excellent depiction of the sceneries makes me wanna visit Alaska! 😃

A truly delectable read! Kennedy & Brynn make one lovely couple….with Wally by their side! 😍

I have a feeling that whoever reads it will enjoy it! I sure did! 👍🏻😉

p.s. Knowing that most of what’s written in this book actually happened to Bryant makes the story even more fascinating to read! 😜

Get your copy here:

Bold Strokes




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